Aug 06

Hustlers Grab Your Guns – Your Shadow Weighs a Ton… Driving Down the 101

For those of you who still read this, i.e, Me, Sinead and Jennifer, the answer is indeed…. I’m driving down the 101! More updates and PHOTOS when it’s complete! Man this rocks. So glad I’m driving (Yes, actually driving) DOWN the 101 rather than up like everyone else. No-one down in the Sunny Dee will get to experience this driving UP to San Fran.


  1. Jen says:

    You’re so bad-ass. Just like Ryan from Chino!

  2. Dave says:

    Chino is nothing compared to where I am now. Tenderloin district in San Fran.

  3. Poet Horton says:

    Oh the memories of driving down the 101, no other one like it in the whole country, glad you got to enjoy it. One day I’d like to drive down it again with the ol’ lady, 8 more years to go and all the kids will be gone and we will be hitting the road once again, free birds!
    Shiny Up,
    Poet Horton

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Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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