Jul 06

Angel White, A deadly night.

Last night, Jenny, Dee and Tiffiny invited me and Jon to a Charity event as guests on the VIP list. Had to wear all white as it was for some girl who died of cancer. Club was called “Belo” and was FANCY SCHMANCY! Jenny had some trouble getting in as her ID was her cousins and they are SOOOOOOO strict on ID over here. She called her friend and we got in. Ner a sign of any more problems…

Club was amazing. Different coloured (colored) rooms with all different types of music and people. Like a really really new aged Spirit but bigger, cleaner and with better music. Something you’d see in Sex In The City or something. Should have totally gotten drunk before we went. Cool night, but very very expensive. I won tickets to see Paul Okenfold and Deep dish in July! Can’t go because I think it’s the day Sarah leaves but we’ll see. Poor Dee had to be carried home and we had to literally carry her by her arms and legs into bed. Few more beers, stayed up with Tiff and Jen and the lads came over. Food all round courtesy of the rich college girls.

Another day of rest.

Got my key cut. Finally! Got a cool padres key. Heading to see ATB tonight in the largest and aparently best club in downtown San Diego. Posted a few more photos, but the ones from TJ didn’t come out. They just look like photos taken on an acid trip! Used my disposable so I didn’t have to bring my nice camera. Oh well. The photos worth remembering are lodged deep in my big fat brain. I’ll only loose them when I get that desiese…. the disese that makes you forget… Leprosy.

JUST THIS SECOND I found out I have free wireless internet in my house! YEAY! I can skype home now!

The girls got their keys to their house today so they’re making us all a huge meal to say thank you for letting us stay for the week. Quick sleep, a dolling up and we’re away.

Missing everyone back home lots. Think today when I couldn’t get through to Sarah I got a little bit homesick. Oh well. Only a week and three days left! Can’t wait to see you baby.

I’ll update you all with more photos hopefully on Saturday or Sunday.

Peace out.


  1. Wireless Internet? HORRAY! for that.

    From all your posts it sounds like you’re having a deadly time. Good stuff man.

  2. Jen says:

    Nice avatar 😛

  3. Mamo says:

    ihave just read all your news i realy think u are drinking to much. i hope you see a bit of t country before u come home. and not just all t night clubs.and please give over t bad language it does not suite u.i am sending over tea bags is there any thing else u want can you let one of the hall sisters know that there friend from hilltown in swords cant get in touch and she is going over soon.i gave her your no.so she can keep in touch.im deadly on t computer now.u may give me a nixer soon. i even have a e mail adress.see i told you i would learn. well take care love you. from mamo.xxxxx.ps.every one said hello.xxxxxx

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Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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