Nov 06

Die Fatherland

OK, I know I have not had any updates for a while. It’s taken quite a long time to get the house and settle down, so in the next week, I’ll start updating. A few photos too. Been too busy working over here to be posting anything and I guess Sarah has been keeping everyone up to date anyway through text message, email or Bebo.

This was the last entry of my “phase one” when I went to live in Germany for the year with Sarah. In brief, Germany, Konstanz in particular was awesome. I absolutely loved my time there but really slipped up on learning the language as Sarah was so fluent.

The summers were beautiful and the winters were snowier than any snow I had ever seen. We lived a little outside the town, right beside a mental asylum that we had to walk through at night to get home. Read the full story

May 06

Hamburg Whamburg

At the harbour

Just a quick post to update myself really and post some photos from hamburg and test a few new features of the site. (Especially the “See Dave feature”. Read more for details 🙂

Had a deadly time, learned how to get up early, learned that I dont “really” like techno and learned that I am almost fluent in German. Thank fuck. Redlight districts, gits in git masks getting off on my innocent shock, talking to strangers, learning a lesson, learning what hitler doesn’t look like and of course bottling out of a dance off. Overall, I think I’m going to like living in Germany. Read the full story

Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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