Nov 10

When A Mans Heart Is Aching He Goes To War Or Travels. I Chose The Latter. Here’s My Plan.

After a long hiatus, an attempt to grow up and settle down that blew up in my face and considering there’s no war (that’s legitimate), I’m off again.

Technology wasn’t as advanced and travelogues were quite the niche thing when I originally started this blog so I’ve upgraded the design, added some cool new features impossible 5 years ago and made things a little easier for me to keep track of my notes while on the move as well as a little easier to read.

Reading back over the tripe I’ve written while I was away last has not only made me wish I had updated it more frequently, it has also made me realize how much the mind forgets and how important some of those memories actually are. I vow to also add photos to the posts where I mention someone I’ve met, however briefly as reading over the old posts has made me realize that I can’t remember the faces of the people I shared so many fond memories with. Read the full story

Sep 06

Home & Away

Well, I’m home safe and sound. I know I have not posted in a while, but there is a damn good reason. The Summer in San Diego was the best of my life. I made some of the greatest friends in the world.

For three months I felt “At home”. I felt so depressed when I got back, I thought it would never go away. After being home 3 weeks now, its finally starting to wear off. San Diego feels like one big dream right now. While I’m not and never was a beach person, I miss the beach, I miss the having countless things to do, I miss the parties and I miss knowing that it will again tomorrow without fail. Read the full story

Apr 06

J1 Summer, here I come.

OK, I’m a little late, but I can now confirm that my J1 Visa has been approved, my passport has been stamped, and my flights have been booked! Now, I can let myself get excited.

I fly out on the 31st of May at 6:30 in the morning. Lovely. Hit London for 6 hours, then to Washington. Stay there for another 4 hours and then on to San Diego for some …ehhh, sun, sea, sand and some desperate looking for a house and a job. Read the full story

Feb 06

We're all going on a summer working holiday!

Finally, I have my J1 Visa application filled in, my deposits and embassy fee paid and my excitement bottle filled! After months of deliberation, I have scratched my proverbial foot.

The hardest choice was where to go, and after a lot of thinking, and considering I have already had a taste of the big, slightly dirty, apple, I have decided on California. Where in Cali you say? Nope, not O.C (An Toe-See) but San Diego.

…they namedit San Diego, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina

My Bags are not quite packed yet, but preparations are in order and savings have begun. And I will finally get to open a US bank account. 🙂 I would like to thank all those at USIT for their incredible support with the J1and genuine passion for their customers too 😉

More information as I get it. And hopefully my brief visit to China last year will not go against me in my interview. Thanks for watching.

Dec 05

Happy XMAS


Just want to wish all my readers, (RSS subscribers…you know who you are) friends, family and people I have met all along my travels, a very very happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

My adventure continues in the new year, (If you can call it that) and the site will have a brand new engine behind it, WordPress 2.0. I have waited a long time for it, and a few more days wont hurt. I will also be spending a week spell checking my posts over the past year.(Those Asian keyboards are at fault, not me!).All destinations have now been confirmed and I will update you with my 2006 shortlist very shortly.(And God knows my plans should change as usual!) Have a great Christmas and super 2006!

Dec 05

And they're off!

In exactly one hour I leave for London. Feel strange, even though its such a short time. I still find time to post this! No, I can’t stay away from Jessica 😉

So anyway, I’ll keep you all updated. Girls, behave yizzerselves Saturday night!

Buh Buy.

Dec 05

London BABY!

I woke this morning to a letter being shoved in my face. “Your ticket came!”. Finally, after weeks of dossing around on EBay I managed to secure myself a ticket to see League Of Gentlemen live in London with the Poontang and the Bean.

Major rave up the weekend, and of course the sightseeing. Can’t forget the sightseeing.

Although this is my second time in London, it will be the first time outside the airport actually IN London. Fun and games are likely to ensue. Just knowing I will be on a jetplane this Friday is enough to ease the Travel Virus.

Not that anyone reads this, but watch this space. I finally get to add some photos again!

Dec 05

Itchy Feet

What is it about the travel bug? Is really a bug or a phycological retardation? Why doesn’t it go away?

Usually, problems, maladies, guilt, etc. they ALL go away after time. This one gets worse. And it’s finally consumed me. Plans are in motion. In motion.

Aug 05

Home sweet home!

OK. I am finally home. Finally. The trip certainly was an adventure and I have so many people to thank for the help and support along the way…. but thats another story.

As promised, all wordpress help and mods I performed, especially on the design and integration with bbpress will be dealt with on my other site.

Pop on over and take a look. Its all free!

May 05

Happy Versannary babe!

Happy Aniversary Sarah! 5 Years and still toghether! (Albeit the furthest we could possibly be apart). I love you so much and I’ll see you soon.


Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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