Jun 06

Tijuana, do ye Wanna?

So been another little while since I updated but been asleep and busy for the past few days. Recovering as it where. Wednesday night, we hit Tijuana, Mexico. Jon and Grainne couldn’t go because of Grainne’s passport being confiscated and because of Jon putting his through the wash, but the rest went and it was pretty much the experience of a lifetime…

Rather than go the traditional route, we decided to get a “Party Bus”. We squeezed 60 people onto a bus that we were allowed drink on and it had all the works, lights and rave on tunes to get us in the mood. Wednesday night is “Irish night” in TJ so it was pretty much 99% Irish and the journey down was savage (Word of the summer). Read the full story

Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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