Sep 06

Home & Away

Well, I’m home safe and sound. I know I have not posted in a while, but there is a damn good reason. The Summer in San Diego was the best of my life. I made some of the greatest friends in the world.

For three months I felt “At home”. I felt so depressed when I got back, I thought it would never go away. After being home 3 weeks now, its finally starting to wear off. San Diego feels like one big dream right now. While I’m not and never was a beach person, I miss the beach, I miss the having countless things to do, I miss the parties and I miss knowing that it will again tomorrow without fail.

Oh well, whatever right? At least I’m back with Sarah.


  1. Sarah says:

    You’re new adventure will be great baby,dont worry. You know Ill look after you,I love you! xxxxxx

  2. dionsis says:

    and i promise i might say hi on msn if your nice

  3. CrowyandJohn says:

    Here you! what the fuck, why were the san diego asortment not informed of this little site! you double crossed us dave, and here myself and jon are just checking artound the odd site when bam! Davesadventures.com! we were your adventure! close this down or inform everybody! and you better be in the lamb tonight! oh shit your gone to germany! yeah we’ll find you! we know were you are! tell sarah hello from myself and jon davis!

  4. hockeybrad says:

    I’m using and modifying your WordPress template heavily, and have spent a lot of time messing with the CSS. One question I have is, what’s up with the ? What purpose does that serve? Thanks. 🙂

  5. Allison says:

    San Diego is the best weather that the United States has to offer and the diverse population of people always makes it an interesting visit, wouldn’t you say!

  6. Raymond Whiteside says:

    Anyone that has to leave San Diego would just have to be depressed, there is no place like it in the Free World, much better than LA or San Francisco, for sure!
    Remember, life is but a dream!
    Best Wishes,
    Raymond Whiteside

  7. natalie coleman says:

    I never wanted to leave such a wonderful pace such as San Diego, it is a place to dream about, no doubt about that. I hope you get the chance to go back and visit your new friends you had made. Keep us updated if any plans come along on going back to such a great place, who knows we might just bump into each other.
    Natalie Coleman

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Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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