May 05

Last update from Thailand

OK, my final update from Thailand and maybe my final update for a while seeing that my flight to Myanmar/Burma is tonight and if all goes out well (Assuming that there is a massive lightning storm already abrewing). Anyway a few little bits of crap I wrote down to mention before I forgot…. 🙂

First of all, Jennifer, I finally made it to the cinema! I sat down and thought I broke the seat, but it turns out, they are reclining seats! Like in a fantasy world! Second of all, in Thai cinemas, you have to stand up at the beginning of every movie to pay homage to the king and watch a little video on how great he is. There is air con and you are allowed put your feet up and the armrests are reclinable too so you can generate more space for yourself. Went to see some crappy “Down with love” or something like that with Ashton Kutcher. Fell asleep twice. Can’t wait for Sin City to be LEGALLY available and also House of Wax….. wow, I am sooo going to regret writing that when I read over this in the future! 😉

Speaking of movies, how bored and broke I have been is obvious here, I watched “The Merchant Of Venice” the other night. Just wanted to mention that Al Pachino’s acting as Shylock was the best I have EVER seen. Also, if anyone gets a chance, check out the new Family Guy and American Dad eps…. oh, and buy some new underwear or watch it in your nude poised over a large piece of Tupperware!

Anyway, enough of the non travel related stuff.

Got myself a Thai Bank account… don’t know why? Well, I’ll tell you….. they’re the only country stupid enough to give me a credit card. 😉 albeit a prepaid mastercard! 😉 Pretty cool service, only took like 30 seconds and I was set up and had the card in my hand. WOW, I am here WAY too long. I am really looking forward to getting outa Bangkok now. Can’t wait to meet up with my friends in Yangon (Prev. Rangoon) and head to Bagan. Heard great things, but I guess I’ll be experiencing them soon. Oh well, has to be done.

Apologies for my recent stagnant posts and lack of constructive and relevant travelogue content.

PS: if I hear that Akon song “Lonely” one more time, I’m coming home. 😉

Sarah, I hope your feeling better. Good luck with the exams, I’m thinking of ya. Send my best wishes of luck to the girls as well.

To everyone in FT-228-2 computer science, I hope you all do crap in your exams so I have some company next year 😉 Only joking, break an algorithm….BUH! You know its funny.

@@@ <— Tumbleweed!

If I cannot update you from Burma, see you all soon and I wish you all the best. Be good to each other.

Lah Ghorn

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Dave's World Adventure (2.0) is a round the world travelogue (Travel Blog) started by Dave in 2005 and follows Dave as he tries to cover the entire world in different phases starting in South East Asia, then North America followed by the South Pacific and South America.

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